Author page: Redacţia RFJ

The principle of judicial independence. The repeal, in respect of Romanian judges with 20 consecutive years’ service in the judiciary, of the right to receive, on retirement or on termination of service for other reasons not attributable to them, a sum equal to seven gross monthly seniority allowances, in the event that the exercise of that right to remuneration is suspended prior to repeal, on a continuous basis and for a prolonged period, for reasons connected principally to the need to eliminate an excessive budget deficit (the legislature expressly invokes the threshold of 3% of gross domestic product laid down in the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union)

Case C-762/23, Curtea de Apel București Summary of the request for a preliminary ruling pursuant to Article 98(1) of the Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice Date lodged: 12 December 2023 Referring court: Curtea de Apel București (Romania) Date of the decision to refer: 27 November 2023 Subject matter of the main proceedings Appeal brought by the appellants against the civil judgment of the Tribunalul București (Regional Court, Bucharest) of 9 May 2023… citeste

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(Română) Asociaţia Forumul Judecătorilor din România: În ciuda unui eșec previzibil, generat de noile legi adoptate în anul 2022, imaginea justiției române nu poate fi aceea a unei puteri subminate la vârful său de conflicte generate de administrarea bugetului justiției. Reformele structurale solicitate de Comisia Europeană, Comisia de la Veneția, Curtea de Justiție a Uniunii Europene, precum și de magistrații români, ar trebui să fie prioritare

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