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Forumul Judecătorilor » Discutii pe marginea articolelor » Articole RFJ » Reboot has 5x the Maplestory M mesos fall speed

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Author Topic: Reboot has 5x the Maplestory M mesos fall speed
Posts: 6
Post Reboot has 5x the Maplestory M mesos fall speed
on: September 10, 2018, 02:08

Bots, and individuals taking advantage of events. Bots are particularly troublesome because they also make the most of events by stocking up on mesos to sell for money. Before NexonNA can start to actually handle the problems in this MaplestoryM Mesos , they want a way to attack the bot difficulty in this game first. .Devote more GM time to stopping other illegal activities like selling mesos/nx for money.

Simply speaking, if they could significantly hamper the creation of fresh bot accounts they then could devote a great deal more of their time to really working on problems that confront this game. At this time, the only thing stopping bots from producing a new account is becoming either a new IP address or a brand new email (depending on the form of ban). And people are trivial to go around. However, phone confirmation is much harder to get around. It may be as simple as responding to a text message, or receiving a telephone call and moving through an automated method (eg. “Punch in your pic to verify that you’re the one who created this account.”) , so that nobody is excluded if they do not have a cellphone.

Afterward, NexonNA simply needs to need this on all newly created reports. They also must connect each telephone number to a particular account. If that account receives a ban, so does the telephone number. In this manner, once a bot account is banned, it is going to require a new phone number to generate a new account. Phone numbers, while plentiful, are far far less plentiful than ip addresses are.

It’s trivial to get a new ip address, takes mere moments, but getting a new phone number is much more work, and also capital intensive. This places a huge barrier which only gets more successful over the years (as an increasing number of telephone numbers are blocked) against bot accounts. However, it doesn’t hamper legitimate players at all (because, honestly, in case you have a computer that can run MS you’ve got access to a phone of any kind).

I understand that there are some disadvantages, but I don’t believe they’re large enough to justify not implementing this method. The biggest drawback I can see is a bot/meso farmer uses your contact number and gets More Information Here banned until you try to produce your account. If that’s the scenario, there might be a fairly intensive way to clear a phone number (it might have to be more intensive to be an effective ban).

Either that or you are out of chance, but the odds of that happening anyhow are slim to none to begin with. Also, nexonNA could mechanically prohibit phone numbers from all countries outside the serviced countries, thus making it harder for chinese meso farmers to operate (they’d need a large source of American/canadian telephone numbers and corresponding phones available to create additional bots).

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