Nelegalităţi ale autorităţilor publice. Răspunsurile instituţionale în experienţa italiană Vito Monetti, Preşedinte MEDEL Rezumat Interceptările telefonice ale membrilor Serviciilor implicaţi în cazul Abu Omar au permis deschiderea paginilor a două afaceri ulterioare referitoare la nelegalităţi ale puterii. Prima afacere a constituit-o un episod de deviere a competenţelor şi puterilor publice în interesul unui particular: descoperirea unor contacte între… citeste
PROBAŢIUNEA ÎN MATERIA INFRACŢIUNILOR DE CORUPŢIE. PROVOCAREA. MARTORUL “DENUNŢĂTOR” Amalia-Cecilia Moleanu, judecător Tribunalul Dolj The following paper deals with certain issues concerning the rights to a fair trial, such as presumption of innocence, principle of „equality of arms”, assessment of the evidence, and expose the evolution of national and European caselaw and also the requirements derived from the European Convention on Human Rights…. citeste
THE EVOLUTION OF THE JUDICIAL SYSTEM IN ROMANIA DURING THE PAST 60 YEARS Horaţius Dumbravă, Dragoş Călin, Judge, Court of Appeal Mures Judge, Court of Appeal Bucharest The reform of the judicial system is very difficult taking into account the judges from the communist period are mentained, whose vision of the rule of law is… citeste
INDEPENDENCE OF MAGISTRATES AS A GUARANTEE TO REDUCE POLITICAL CORRUPTION. SPECIFIC CASE OF PROSECUTORS IN ROMANIA Marius Bulancea, Prosecutor, Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice Successfully prosecuting high profile cases of political corruption is an exceptional challenge for any law enforcement agency. The fundamental democratic principle according to which everyone is equal under the law does not always work when the suspects are prominent… citeste
NIVELUL ŞI EVOLUŢIA CORUPŢIEI DIN ROMÂNIA REFLECTATE ÎN RAPOARTE OFICIALE ŞI INDEPENDENTE judecător Gabriel Caian, Judecătoria Craiova In the context of freedom of market and politics and in the circumstances of free choice of travel, movement of financial resources and exchange of information between different areas, the opportunities to gain power and wealth, including the illegal ways, have increased. Corruption hardens and alters the economic development,… citeste
Интервью Ольга Кудешкина – свобода выражения мнений “The judgment of the European Court of Human Rights is a great victory for all Russian citizens who need an independent, impartial and equitable justice, that in many instances cannot be found in Russia. This is also the reason for which many of them need to address to the European Court of Human Rights. The decision rendered to me a… citeste