Romania: Statement of Independence signed by hundreds of prosecutors

The undersigned, prosecutors within the Public Ministry, observing the principle of the separation of powers in the state and the general requirement to abstain from having any particular political stance, taking note of the public discussions on the duties and activity of the prosecutors as well as the issues inserted in the minutes of the Romanian Constitutional Court’s decision dated May 30, 2018,

In view of the Bangalore Principles that allow magistrates to freely express their opinions when their independence is affected or when there is a risk of prejudicing the separation and balance of powers in the state,

Taking into account the standards imposed by the United Nations Principles on the role of the Prosecutor, adopted in Havana in 1990, the Council of Europe Recommendation (2000) 19 on the role of the prosecutor in the criminal justice system, Professional Accountability Standards and the Declaration on the Obligations and Rights of Public Prosecutors adopted by the International Association of Prosecutors on 23 April 1999, the Venice Commission’s Report on European Standards for the Independence of the Judiciary (CDL_AD (2010) 040) adopted on 17-18 December 2010, Opinion no. 9 (2014) of the Consultative Council of European Prosecutors (Rome Charter)

Considering that the Romanian State understands to fulfil its international obligations regarding the independence of the judiciary and the protection of the rule of law and to observe the rules imposed by the European Union and the Council of Europe as well as by the other international organizations of which Romania is part of,

we understand to commit at individual level to the declaration of principles below:

Our activity will always take place in accordance with the constitutional role provided by art. 131 par. (1) of the Romanian Constitution, defending the general interests of society, the rule of law as well as the rights and freedoms of citizens. We respect the competences of the Minister of Justice regarding the state’s criminal policy as well as the specific attributions in certain areas, but these competences do not validate in any way the involvement of the political factor in the ways of investigating and solving criminal cases. The Minister of Justice has no and will not have any involvement or role in our professional activity or in any criminal or civil case that we have for resolution or where we participate as representatives of the Public Ministry.

The only institution that manages the career of the prosecutor and the only guarantor of the independence of prosecutors is the Superior Council of Magistracy and according to art. 1 par. (2) of Law 304/2004the Minister of Justice has and can have no role or involvement in the individual career of the prosecutor, and this principle cannot be modified by inserting a specific phrase in the Constitutional Court’s decision, an institution which has no competence to legislate positively. We draw attention to the fact that the professional evaluation of prosecutors and the way in which they are to take office must be based on a meritocratic system, on clear and transparent conditions and rules and a lack of arbitrariness.

We urge all competent institutions and all decision-makers to respect the principles of the functioning of the European Union, to facilitate the fulfilment of Romania’s international obligations and take into account that respect for the rule of law and the independence of the judiciary is an important point in the field of international cooperation and the capacity of Romania to be a partner of dialogue in relation to the other Member States, both with regards to cooperation in criminal matters and cooperation in civil matters.

In support of this statement of principle we note that guaranteeing the independence of the judiciary was one of the conditions required for membership of the European Union, a context in which the changes to the package of laws on the judiciary were adopted, specifically guaranteeing the independence and stability of the prosecutor, by amending the provisions of art. 3 par. (1) of Law 303/2004 („The prosecutors appointed by the President of Romania enjoy stability and are independent, according to the law”). Romania’s obligation regarding the rule of law and guaranteeing the independence of the judiciary continued after the moment of accession, being one of the criteria considered in the CVM evaluations, so we cannot consider that an approach that diminishes the statute of the prosecutor magistrate could be anything other than an infringement of the commitments assumed as a Member State.

We also draw attention to the fact that the Havana Rules on the role of the Prosecutor, adopted by the United Nations in 1990, require States to ensure that prosecutors can exercise their functions without being exposed to intimidation, harassment and interference.

As a member of the Council of Europe, the Romanian state must consider and respect international notices, and in this respect the Charter of Rome lays down as European standards and principles regarding the activity of prosecutors the following: „Independence and autonomy of the Public Ministry is a indispensable corollary to the independence of the judiciary. Prosecutors should be autonomous in decision-making and should carry out their tasks outside any external interference and pressure, according to the principles of separation of powers and responsibility „

The independence of the prosecutor and the prosecutor’s impartiality are two essential elements in international standards, being regarded as key human rights issues, both from an institutional as well as an individual point of view. The independence and impartiality of the prosecutor magistrate are not his personal benefits but the guarantees necessary for the fulfilment of the function of the Public Ministry in the structure of a law-based state or the authority responsible for the enforcement of the criminal law on behalf of and for the benefit of society and the public interest, taking into account both the rights of the individual and the necessary effectiveness of the criminal justice system. (Council of Europe Recommendation (2000) 19, paragraph 1)

Both the Council of Europe Recommendation and the Venice Commission Report underline the need to ensure transparent and fair procedures with no political influence in terms of admission to the profession, promotion system and prosecutor’s work. Thus, the procedures guaranteeing a correct selection of prosecutors and those protecting the prosecutor from an arbitrary removal are important issues in guaranteeing the independence of the prosecutor. There is no benefit in creating a system in which the prosecutor is only apparently independent if the practical actions tend to involve the political factor in the judicial activity.

In this respect, the Venice Commission underlined that the prosecutor’s independence is a mechanism to prevent the interference of the political or any other factor in the criminal prosecution activity and states must provide the necessary framework for the prosecutor’s decisions to be taken impartially and just as the judge is required to act fairly and impartially without being subjected to the pressure of other external factors.

The Venice Commission report on judicial independence emphasizes that „A clear distinction needs to be made between the interest of persons holding power in the State and the general interest. The assumption that the two aspects overlap is present in many European countries. Ideally, the exercise of functions of general interest must not be combined or confused with the functions of the executive power at a particular moment in time, the interests of other institutions, or even the interests of any political party.” Considering the legal obligations of the Public Ministry, both at constitutional level and at the level of other legal instruments, we underline that as prosecutors our role is to defend the public interest, understood as the interest of the citizens in a democratic state and we will exercise this role independently and impartially, without regard to temporary circumstance.

List of signatures:

  1. Bradea Dumitru Vlad – Parchetul de pe lângă Judecătoria Oradea
  2. Corina Dinică – PT Argeș
  3. Lăncrănjan Alexandra Carmen – DNA Structura Centrală
  4. Margina Cătălin – PT Bacău
  5. Tagheiv Ramona – PT Bacău
  6. Finică Sorina – PT Bacău
  7. Atomei Adriana – PT Bacău
  8. Trif Marian Mihai – PJ Turda
  9. Iulia Crișan – DNA Structura Centrală
  10. Simona Anghel – PJ Oltenita
  11. Mihaela Beldie – DNA Structura Centrală
  12. Răzvan Alexandru Băra – PJ Brașov
  13. Cristina Scarlat DNA
  14. Aurelian Ioan Ardelean – DNA
  15. Radu Florin Ionescu – DNA
  16. Cosmin Iordache – DNA
  17. Adriana Pau – PJ Sector 2
  18. Codreanu Alexandru – PT Brașov
  19. Raluca Alexandra Munteanu – PJ Sector 2
  20. Berende Ruxandra Maria PJ Satu Mare
  21. Roxana Andreea Codreanu PJ IAsi
  22. Laurentiu Grecu – PT Gorj
  23. Lia Sorin Marian – PJ Corabia
  24. Carmen VAmesu – DNA
  25. Daniela Lupu – DNA
  26. Alexandru Liviu Colceriu – PJ Intorsura Buzaului
  27. Cosmina Mihaela Vieriu – PJ Zarnesti
  28. Calin Radu Bogdan – PJ Sector 1
  29. Coralia Lapadat – PJ Arad
  30. Dordea Marcian Silviu – PJ Blaj
  31. Luminita Boca – DNA ST Cluj
  32. Bogdan Pîrlog – PT Militar Bucuresti
  33. Andra Dutescu – PJ Sector 2
  34. Stroescu Bobby Sorin – PJ Timisoara
  35. Curici Seia Iasmina- PJ Deta
  36. Ghita Alina Andreea – PJ Turda
  37. Laura Dobrea – PT Brăila
  38. Ciutac Mircea – PT Brăila
  39. Dedulescu Liviu Ionuț – PT Brăila
  40. Velea Gheorghe – PJ Brăila
  41. Marinescu Mihaela – PJ Însurăței
  42. Pungă Tudorel – PJ Însurăței
  43. Baraș Iulian – PJ Bolintin Vale
  44. Barbu Camelia Liliana – PJ Bolintin Vale
  45. Tomescu Alexandra Sorina – PJ Bolintin Vale
  46. Cotovelea Ionel – PJ Câmpulung
  47. Gheorghe Daniel – PJ Câmpulung
  48. Lobodan Remus – PJ Câmpulung
  49. Visovan Cristina Ingrid – PJ Sighetu Marmatiei
  50. Adrian Meda Titu- DNA ST Cluj
  51. Irimia Anca Emilia – PJ Sibiu
  52. Cristina Frîncu – PJS 2
  53. Ioana Vernea PJS2
  54. Sohorca Florin PJ Alba Iulia
  55. Rotundu Simon PJ Iasi
  56. Cîrciumaru Oprică Florin PJS 2
  57. Doina Stanta – PCA Craiova
  58. Bunduc Marian Catalin – DIICOT Structura Centrală
  59. Arpinte Nicoleta – PJ Dorohoi
  60. Stanciu Gabriela – DNA ST Constanta
  61. Valentin Toduta – PJ oradea
  62. Bursuc Andreea Claudia – DIICOT
  63. Anca Iovan DIICOT Serviciul Teritorial Brasov
  64. Lohan Iulia Maria – PJ Sighetul Marmatiei
  65. Cristina Radu – PT Bucuresti
  66. Sendroni Mircea – PJ Cluj Napoca
  67. Marian Clement Virgil – PJ Baia Mare
  68. Asmarandei Andrei Iulian – PT Ilfov
  69. Carnariu Bianca Dana – PJ Baia Mare
  70. Gabriel Tatar – PJ Cluj Napoca
  71. Tabirta Lorin PJ Timisoara
  72. Carnariu Mihai Madalin – PJ Baia Mare
  73. Buzoianu Mihaela Alexandra – PJ Calarasi
  74. Valentin Uritescu – PJ Negresti Oas
  75. Cosmin Ungureanu PT Valcea
  76. Vlad Alexandru Bentan – PJ oradea
  77. Marin Ana Maria PT Brasov
  78. Ioana Gutu PT Valcea
  79. Daniel Giorgian PJ galati
  80. Cristina Voicu DNA Structura Centrala
  81. Morosan Andrada Sabina PJ Timisoara
  82. Pop Blaga Marius PJ Oradea
  83. Alba Radu Ioan PJ Oradea
  84. Popescu Adriana Mihaela PT Valcea
  85. Radu Adrian PJ Brasov
  86. Ostafie Andrei PJ Botosani
  87. Laura Zaharia DIICOT Iasi
  88. Ciobanu Ionica Daniel PJ Caracal
  89. Mihaela Mihai Popa – DNA ST Suceava
  90. Marin Călusaru – DNA ST Craiova
  91. Ramona Jardieanu – DNA Structura Centrala
  92. Damaschin Ioana Teodora – PJ Cluj Napoca
  93. Bocai Adina PCA Iasi
  94. Mihai Negulescu DIICOT ST Brasov
  95. Dobre Aurelia Madalina PJ Arad
  96. Panainte Iulian PJ Harlau
  97. Sorin Daniel Beteringhe PT Bihor
  98. Paunica Ionut PJ Calarasi
  99. Gus Octavia Raluca PT Alba
  100. Pacuraru Mihaela PJ Calarasi
  101. Marinescu Lucian PT Valcea
  102. Burga Florin PJ Sf Gheorghe
  103. Matei Leontin PJS 4
  104. Pitrop Cristina Beatrice PJ Constanta
  105. Ioan Bene PJ TG Bujor
  106. Sandu Claudiu Costantin PT Brasov
  107. Mihail Andreca PJ Timisoara
  108. Mihai Valentin DIICOT Structura Centrală
  109. Dobre Mihai Alexandru PJ Arad
  110. Onea Dalidis Nicoleta Irina PCA Craiova
  111. Iulian Nica – PT Brasov
  112. Anghel Alexandru Bogdan PJ Segarcea
  113. Serban Viorel Florin PJS 2
  114. Iulia Bilciu DNA Structura Centrala
  115. Daniel Ciumărnean DNA ST Cluj
  116. Paul Dumitriu DNA Structura Centrală
  117. Danusia Boicean DNA ST Alba Iulia
  118. Alina RAsovan DNA ST Alba Iulia
  119. Daniel Dumitru DNA ST Alba Iulia
  120. Călin Tatu DNA ST Alba Iulia
  121. Florin Nanu DNA ST Alba Iulia
  122. Anca Gabriela Mărincean DNA ST Cluj
  123. Horatius Baias DNA Structura Centrală
  124. Stancele Diana DNA Structura Centrala
  125. Constantin Irina DNA Structura Centrala
  126. Daniel Apetroaei – DNA St Bacău
  127. Anemaria Ruxandra Cireap – DNA
  128. Oana Peltechi – PCA Bucuresti
  129. Roca Carmil DNA ST Bacău
  130. Robert Adrian Nicolicescu DNA
  131. Daniela Dumitrache – DNA
  132. Violeta Sechely – DNA Structura Centrală
  133. Florin Bogdan Munteanu DNA ST Iasi
  134. Iordache Laura Nicoleta PJS 1
  135. Lucanu Iuliana DIICOT
  136. Tudor Antoniu Vasiu – PJ Drobeta Turnu Severin
  137. Adi Lucian Răduică PJ Drobeta Turnu Severin
  138. Pena Laura Nadia PCA Bacau
  139. Gheorghe Mihai Andrei PJ Pitesti
  140. Puscas Madalina PJ Alba Iulia
  141. Zlate Nadia DNA ST Constanta
  142. David Maricel – PT Ilfov
  143. Povăliceanu Cristina – PT Arad
  144. Roman Nelu – PJ Baia Mare
  145. Bradin Aurora PJ Arad
  146. Monica Munteanu DNA ST Brasov
  147. Vestemeanu Raluca DIICOT ST Brasov
  148. Cornel David Deca DNA ST Brasov
  149. Andreea Ghenu DNA ST Brasov
  150. Dundev Alma Maria PJ Sighisoara
  151. Batrinu Iuliana PJ Focsani
  152. Brindea Dan Eugen PT Salaj
  153. Cepoi Marian PJ Nasaud
  154. Dunca Ioan PJ Baia Mare
  155. Varga Zoltan PJ Baia Mare
  156. Scutea Gabriela PCA Brasov
  157. Ghita Bogdan – DNA
  158. Bontea Cristina Augustina PJ Petrosani
  159. Baldea Diana PT IAsi
  160. Satmarici Iulia Diana PJ Medgidia
  161. Mircea Alexandra Nora PJ Turda
  162. Radu Florea PJ Turda
  163. Ghidiu Liliana Maria PT Alba
  164. Panciuc Anca Clara – PJ Radauti
  165. Remus Budai – DNA Structura Centrala
  166. Ion Izabela Ana Maria PJ Sector 3
  167. Stefanita Gogea DIICOT
  168. Cristina Chiriac DNA
  169. Cosarca Nicolae PJ Targu Mures
  170. Diremia Vlad PJ Rosiori De vede
  171. Buda Dorel PJ Baia Mare
  172. Alice Jemboiu PCA Craiova
  173. Maria Piturcă PCA Craiova
  174. Marius Sulu PT Brasov
  175. Grigore alina Gabriela PJ Targoviste
  176. Mihai Irina PJ Targoviste
  177. Bosânciuc Paul Cosmin PJ Targoviste
  178. Stoica Florin PJ Targoviste
  179. Aldea Adrian PT Brasov
  180. Cerasela Ungureanu PT Brasov
  181. Câțu Lilisor PJ Brasov
  182. Câțu Codruța Romana Maria PJ Brasov
  183. Nita Manole Simona Daniela PJ Ploiesti
  184. Dragu Corina PT Brasov
  185. Fânariu Stefan PJ Saveni
  186. Nistor Gigi PJ Filiasi
  187. Cristina Mocioi PJ Babadag
  188. Ursa Paul Ionel PJ Zarnesti
  189. Comanescu Cătălin PJ Horezu
  190. Ana Muresan PJS 2 delegat PTB
  191. Nită Manole Simona Daniela PJ Ploiesti
  192. Corina Avornicitei PJ Sector 1
  193. Raluca Anghel Gheorghe DNA Structura Centrală
  194. Alin Eduard Poterasu DNA Structura Centrala
  195. Veronica Luminita Leonte DNA ST Suceava
  196. Maria Luiza Capatana DNA Structura Centrală
  197. Mosteanu Marian Eugen DNA ST Craiova
  198. Ionuț Vasile DNA ST Cluj
  199. Alexandru Diana DNA ST Galați
  200. Popescu Gabriela DNA ST Galați
  201. Ivascu Dorina DNA ST Galați
  202. Mihaela Leu DNA ST Galați
  203. Năvădaru Mădălin DNA ST Galați
  204. Lucian Rău DNA ST Galați
  205. Diana Alexandru DNA ST Galați
  206. Andreea Oana Nica DNA
  207. Eugen Stănculescu DNA ST Craiova
  208. Tiberiu Nicolae Onea – DNA ST Tîrgu Mureș
  209. Drăgulescu Marian DNA Structura Centrală
  210. Gabriela Iancu DNA ST Cluj
  211. Ioana Borjog PJ Sector 1
  212. Ionela Bălan DNA Structura Centrală
  213. Ana Maria Nedelcu DNA Structura Centrală
  214. Cornelia Hrincescu DNA ST Bacău
  215. Antonia Diaconu – PJ Topoloveni
  216. Nanu Vladimir PT Argeș
  217. Moraru Alina – DNA ST Iasi
  218. Dorcu Lavinia PJ Corabia
  219. Irina Paraschiv PJ Brezoi
  220. Stefan Ispasoiu DNA ST Brasov
  221. Gheorghiu Anca Loredana PJ Brasov
  222. Corina Mois PJ Satu Mare
  223. Miu Madalina PT Calarasi
  224. Marinel Nicolae PT Olt
  225. Couti Roxana PT Maramures
  226. Maris Constantina PT Maramures
  227. Apetri Oana PT Brasov
  228. Couti Crinel PT Maramures
  229. Simion Oana PJ Brasov
  230. Rosca Sergiu PJ Satu Mare
  231. Claudiu Statache PJ Constanta
  232. Stasiuc Mădălina PJ Targu Mures
  233. Alexandra Dordea DNA Structura Centrală
  234. Branzei Alexandru PJ Baia Mare
  235. Baran Florin PJ Sector 4
  236. Rus Lavinia PJ Faget
  237. Mircea Iuliana PCA Constanta
  238. Ioan Sandru PICCJ
  239. Dan Obreja PJ TG Mures
  240. Maria Rimniceanu DIICOT ST BRASOV
  241. Azamfirei Daniela Elena PJ Galati
  242. Cristina Maria Luca PT Neamț
  243. Pelmuș Ciprian PJ Timisoara
  244. Arvinte Ramona PJS3
  245. Olteanu Dragoș PJ Timisoara
  246. Catalin Moraru PJ Brasov
  247. Vlad Crăciun PJ Sighisoara
  248. Pelinel Monica Cristina PT Valcea
  249. Ghinea Alexandru Cosmin PJ Fetesti
  250. Sorin Constantinescu DNA ST Constanta
  251. Apostol Mihaela PT Iasi
  252. Cojoaca Traian PJ Rosiori de Vede
  253. Munge Mircea Florin PJ Oradea
  254. Alina Hubert PJ Pitesti
  255. Topliceanu Constantin PJ Pitesti
  256. Doncea Andrei PT Ilfov
  257. Ungureanu Alin PJ Deta
  258. Ceaușu Alexandru Octavian PJ Timisoara
  259. Blanaru Larisa Andreea PJ Brasov
  260. Mocanu Simona Elena PJ Brasov
  261. Aurelian Manzu PT Arad
  262. Alina Ghinescu DIICOT ST CV
  263. Bochis Angela PJ Cornetu
  264. Dumitrache Nicusor Adrian PJS 4
  265. Olca Diana Andreea PJ Satu Mare
  266. Sovarschi Laura PJ Alesd
  267. Lazar Ancuta PJ Satu Mare
  268. Meszaros Ioana Adina PJ Satu mare
  269. Betea Florin Dorin PJ Satu Mare
  270. Mic Ioana PT satu Mare
  271. Bocai Tudor Florin PT Hunedoara
  272. Cuciureanu Iulia Maria PJ Brasov
  273. Iordache Valeriu PJ Ploiesti
  274. Airinei Lucia PT Harghita
  275. Iosifescu Iulian Răzvan PT Harghita
  276. Colceriu Sorin Mihai PT Harghita
  277. Gîlcescu Dan PT Harghita
  278. Grigore Cristian PT Harghita
  279. Fabian Orsolya Kinga PT Harghita
  280. Tokos Lehel PT Harghita
  281. Deac Corvin Doru PJ Miercurea Ciuc
  282. German Cristina PJ Miercurea Ciuc
  283. Chiriac Dragos PJ Miercurea Ciuc
  284. Ivănescu Georgică PJ Odorheiu Secuiesc
  285. Suto Agota Kinga PJ Odorheiu Secuiesc
  286. Papuc Mădălina Diana PJ Odorheiu Secuiesc
  287. Vasile Tudor Iulian PJ Fetesti
  288. Buculea Raluca PJ Timisoara
  289. Popa Alina Diana PJ Iasi
  290. Marcu Ionut DIICOT
  291. Cristina Gavriliuc DNA ST Bacau
  292. Giluela Deaconu DNA
  293. Ioan Ulici DNA
  294. Cerasela Răileanu DNA
  295. Angelica Paraschivescu DNA ST Pitesti
  296. Dana Păun PJS1
  297. Florina Nicoleta Sirbu PJS1
  298. Maria Mihut PJS 2
  299. Corina Petrescu PJS 1
  300. Florea Alexandru DIICOT
  301. Preda Andrei Bogdan DIICOT
  302. Dan Cristian Ene DIICOT
  303. Cristian Florea DIICOT
  304. Ionela Florea DIICOT
  305. Apostol Giorgiana Violeta PJ Constanta
  306. Nita Cosmin PJ Ploiesti
  307. Ciotu Roxana PJ Suceava
  308. Pirvu Ana Maria PJ Slobozia
  309. Totora Vlad Cosmin PJ Segarcea
  310. Cioban Vasile Călin PJ Turda
  311. Valentin Enache PJ Brezoi
  312. Simona Stefania Constantinescu DNA
  313. Iuliana Mihoc PJ Ploiesti
  314. Neculaica Elena PT Constanta
  315. Oprea Veronica Nicoleta PJ Buzău delegat DNA ST Ploiesti
  316. Salaru Ilie Andrei PJS1
  317. Colț Mihail PJ Brăila
  318. Ionela Tinca PJ Brașov
  319. Buse Ionel PJ Valcea
  320. Tosu Zoltan Eugen PJ Dragasani
  321. Florentina Mirica DNA Structura Centrală
  322. Streza Laurentiu PJ Valcea
  323. Sava Alexandra Teona PJ Harlau
  324. Serban irina PJ Slatina
  325. Stefan Gheorghe Daniel PT Bacau
  326. Bogdan Stoica PJ Dragasani
  327. Marius Valcu DNA Structura Centrală
  328. Lazar Anca PCA Cluj
  329. Popescu Cristian Ovidiu PJ Caracal
  330. Gheorghe Popovici DNA Structura Centrală
  331. Ungureanu Irina PJ Sighisoara
  332. Ursu Oana Alina PJ Giurgiu
  333. Rosiu Mihaela PJS 5
  334. Zavera Irina PJ Timisoara
  335. Sas Anca Raluca PJ Turda
  336. Lungu Ramona PT Arad
  337. Lazăr Aida PJ Timisoara
  338. Rusu Larisa PJ Botosani
  339. Raluca Nor Bosnea PJ Timisoara
  340. Cîmpean Ioana Elena PJS 2
  341. Povaliceanu Claudia PJ Timisoara
  342. Bradean Raluca Cristina PJ Caransebes
  343. Ailioaei Ramona PJ Pascani
  344. Stoenescu Roxana PJS 4
  345. Cătălin Galcea PJS4
  346. Hogas Marius PJ Râmnicu Vâlcea
  347. Stroe Cristina PJ Dragasani
  348. Mociran Adela PT Maramures
  349. Tătar Emanuela Anca PJ Brăila
  350. Sfîca Aglaia Irina PJ Iasi
  351. Fraiu Flaviu PJ Timișoara
  352. Galatan Anișoara Voichita PJS 6
  353. Simon Dragos PJ Cluj Napoca
  354. Todea LAurentiu Mirel PJ Timisoara
  355. Derius Laura DNA Structura Centrala
  356. Pop Ciprian Dumitru PJ Ludus
  357. Murariu Ovidiu Daniel PJ Ludus
  358. Ciuche Lucian DIICOT
  359. Dinică Mihai PJ Făurei
  360. Topală Teodor Bogdan DIICOT
  361. Meszar Alexandru Voicu PJ Carei
  362. Pricop Elena Mădălina PJ Iași
  363. Țapliuc Cristina PJ Iasi
  364. Corogeanu Cristian Andrei PJ Timisoara
  365. Albulescu Camelia PJ Cornetu
  366. Ioșca Alina PJ Cornetu
  367. Serban Daniel Mihai PJ Brașov
  368. Gordan Sorin PT Brăila
  369. Chivu Claudia Irina PJ Timisoara
  370. Olariu Nicusor PJ Caransebes
  371. Mustață Liviu PT Caraș Severin
  372. Hosu Andrei PT Caraș Severin
  373. Patras Alexandra Maria PJ Iași
  374. Pelmus Atena PT Timiș
  375. Mihoc Emanuel PJ Sighișoara
  376. Galatanu Maria PJ Baia Mare
  377. Simion Daniel PJ Focsani
  378. Stanciu Gabriela Daniela PJ Brăila
  379. Corogeanu Cristian Andrei PJ Timișoara
  380. Negrău Andrei Sergiu PJ Salonta
  381. Georgescu Ruxandra Diana PJ Suceava
  382. Călinescu Diana PJ Suceava
  383. Cătălin Chiochiu PJ Suceava
  384. Doina Popa PJ Pitești
  385. Nicolae Argeșanu PJ Pitești
  386. Simona Florescu PJ Pitești
  387. Cătălin Barbuceanu PCA Pitești
  388. Oprea Mihai Tatiana DIICOT
  389. Olaru Mihaiela DIICOT
  390. Cristian Ichim DIICOT ST Brasov
  391. Zaharia Adrian Constantin PJ Suceava
  392. Cristina Garda PJ Galați
  393. Scorta Robert PJ Petrosani
  394. Popescu Cristian PJ Caracal
  395. Bonda Alexandru Vasile PJ Timisoara
  396. Andrei Florin Ciprian DIICOT Bacău
  397. Ciocan Gheorghe PJ Severin
  398. Marin Călușaru DNA ST Craiova
  399. Varga Sanda Daria PCA Cluj
  400. Diana Nicoleta Gitan PT Timiș
  401. Constantin Conortos DNA ST Constanta
  402. Diac Ana Maria PJS1
  403. Crăciun Achim Ovidiu PJ Brăila
  404. Luminița Popa DNA
  405. Emanuel Hau PJ Timișoara
  406. Daniela Chiazna PJ Drobeta Turnu Severin
  407. Florina Băilescu PJ Drobeta Turnu Severin
  408. Bărbulescu Florin Alexandru PJ Călărași
  409. Natavala Iuliu DNA
  410. Vlad Grigorescu DNA
  411. Tiba Morar Anca PJ Oradea
  412. Ion Teodor Valentin PJ Pitești
  413. Adrian Mihai PJ Pitești
  414. Cosmin Cristescu PJ Pitești
  415. Puiulescu Constantin Cosmin PT Argeș
  416. Ioan Paul Chiș DNA Structura Centrală
  417. Paul Leontică DIICOT ST Suceava
  418. Florentin Riza PT Dolj
  419. Tamara Manea PICCJ
  420. Adrian Ghirdoveanu DIICOT BT Dambovita
  421. Resmeriță Clement Mihai – DNA Structura Centrală
  422. Conortos Camelia Maria PT Constanta
  423. Constantinescu Mihai Marius DIICOT
  424. Ardelean Cristian DNA ST Oradea
  425. Chiazna Magdalena Daniela PJ Drobeta Turnu Severin
  426. Moacă Mihaela Adriana PJ Buftea
  427. Ionuț Călina DIICOT
  428. Ionascu Cristina PJ Bacău
  429. Ionascu Cătălin PJ Bacău
  430. Benchea Vlad PJ Sibiu
  431. Mandache Ionut PJ Iași
  432. Fleckhammer Robert DIICOT
  433. Petrescu Erită Cosmin PJ Tg Jiu
  434. Onofrei Nichiforel Marius PT Botoșani
  435. Cristea Virgil – PJ Alba Iulia
  436. Cristea Denisa PJ Constanta
  437. Șimon Oana PJ Cluj Napoca
  438. Horșia Alexandru PJ Cluj Napoca
  439. Panțiru Florin PJ Cluj Napoca
  440. Spumă Oana Amalia PJ Cluj Napoca
  441. Mărginean Peczi Anamaria PJ Cluj Napoca
  442. Fadei Pavel PJ Cluj Napoca
  443. Nicoară Andra Laura PJ Cluj Napoca
  444. Ududec Ionel PJ Cluj Napoca
  445. Pantea Marius Călin PJ Cluj Napoca
  446. Tofan Florinela PJ Cluj Napoca
  447. Horge Diana Maria PJ Cluj Napoca
  448. Gheorghe Dragoș Ion PJ Cluj Napoca
  449. Mihai Laura Adina PJ Cluj Napoca
  450. Amuscăliței Alin PJ Cluj Napoca
  451. Mane Loredana Lăcrămioara PJ Cluj Napoca
  452. Birtoc Mihai Dorin PJ Cluj Napoca
  453. Delea Sarca Georgiana PJ Cluj Napoca
  454. Toader Aurelia Mirel PJ Cluj Napoca
  455. Ududec Anca Teodora PJ Cluj Napoca
  456. Kozma Bartok Szende Zenko PJ Cluj Napoca
  457. Borteș Mihai PJ Cluj Napoca
  458. Damaschin Ioana Teodora PJ Cluj Napoca
  459. Andreica Lucia Maria PJ Cluj Napoca
  460. Sfâriac Mihaela PT Cluj
  461. Renyi Erika PT Cluj
  462. Rășcanu Cristina PT Cluj
  463. Mihai Mesaros PJS 2
  464. Dinu Adrian Mihai PJ Constanta
  465. Laurentiu Iordan PJ Sibiu
  466. Cazacu Dan Constantin PJ Bacău
  467. Felicia Irina Popovici DNA
  468. Felicia Vlad DNA ST Brasov
  469. Adina Bidică PT Valcea
  470. Alexandra Maria Zernoveanu PJ Sfantu Gheorghe
  471. Cășuneanu Florin Daniel – PCA Iași
  472. Cojocar Rusanda PJ Brasov
  473. Gherghina Alina Nicoleta PJS 6
  474. Paduraru Raluca Mihaela PJS4
  475. Dinu Cristian Sorin DIICOT BT Sibiu
  476. Enache Simona DIICOT BT Sibiu
  477. Sava Gheorghe Petru DIICOT BT Sibiu
  478. Bidihon Flavius PJ Suceava
  479. Meszaros Tiberiu PJ Babadag
  480. Miroiu Floriana PJS 4
  481. Laura Gradina PT Tulcea
  482. Cristina Grosaru PJS 3
  483. Stefaniu Simona PT Covasna
  484. Stefaniu Bogdan PT Covasna
  485. Alina Neculaes PCA Bacău
  486. Andrei Jurca PJ Timisoara
  487. Sorin Pasăre PCA Craiova
  488. Pătulea Ioana – PJS 3
  489. Rosu Cristina PJ Giurgiu
  490. Mihaela Grigore PCA Bacau
  491. Andrei Dragan PJ Buftea
  492. Andrei Cristi PJ Răcari
  493. Carasel Stefana PJS 1
  494. Petrusca Gabriela Amalia PJ Buftea
  495. Ghilan Irina Brîndușa PJ Moinești
  496. Sandu Anca – PJ Piatra Neamț
  497. Ciopi Ani – PJ Baia Mare
  498. Matei Andreea Isabella PJ Buhusi
  499. Sarghi Dorina PJ Roman
  500. Maciuc Sorin PJS 6

Mulțumim colegilor judecători care susțin acest demers: Florin Zeres – Judecatoria Sibiu, Florina Carmen Ionescu – Tribunalul Neamt, Doina Zavalasi- CA Craiova, Mihaela Ion – Judecătoria Buzău, Iulian Dîrzeanu – Tribunalul București, Sorina Marinaș -CA Craiova, Florin Vilceanu – Tribunal Bucuresti, Ioana Liliana Molina Ramirez – Tribunalul Cluj, Anca Codreanu – Tribunalul Brașov, Liviu Cristian Cirneciu – Judecătoria Zărnesti, Cirneciu Felicia Tincuta – JS 2, Anca Demian – Judecatoria Hateg, Padeanu Catalina Petruta – Judecatoria Slatina, Sandu Maria Irina – Judecatoria Brasov, Madalina Birlog – Tribunalul Bucuresti, Cobiscan Alexandru – JS 1, Ioan Fundatureanu – CA Pitesti, Crina Capota – Judecatoria Dej,  Balasanu Alexandru –  Judecatoria Botosani, Popescu Adrian – Tribunalul Cluj,  Popescu Luminita Teodora Judecatoria Mangalia, Neagos Sorina – CA Alba Iulia, Mandache Claudia – Judecătoria Iași, Dorin Parascheva – Judecatoria Constanta, Alina Stamate Tamasan – Tribunalul Maramures, Ambrozie Silivia JS 1, Anton Carla JS 1, Chiriță Oana JS 1, Focsa Lavinia JS1, Ivanciuc Sorin JS1, Matei Oana JS 1, Paduraru Dana JS 1, Savu Ana JS 1, Bogdan Popescu JUdecatoria Tg Jiu, Lucian Cosmin Manoloiu – Judecatoria Slatina, Irina Popa JS 1, Gheorghe Costin Lucian Judecătoria Cornetu, Dinu Rebeca Zinca Trib Bucuresti, Brindusa Andreea Sarbu JS 1, Veronica Sirbu JS4, Cristi Danilet – Tribunalul Cluj, Roxana Budulan – CA Timisoara, Bichis Diana Maria – Judecatoria Dej, Carpinean Cristiana Camelia – Judecatoria Dej, Tudor Cristian Ciobanu – Judecatoria Raducaneni, Oana Andreea Onofrei JS 1, Alina Mihaela Palancanu – Tribunalul Neamt, Marius Stancu JS1, Alexandra Ghica JS1, Ana Maria Stoica – JS1, Edwina Guiu – JS1, Andreea Balutoiu JS1, Cristina Călușaru – Tribunalul Dolj, Mandache Claudia – Judecatoria Iasi, Andreea Busulescu – JS1, Andreea Mihaela Bradu – Tribunalul București, Iulia Lavinia Munteanu – Judecătoria IAși

De asemenea, apreciem gestul de solidaritate al colegilor auditori de justitie care au dorit să se alăture demersului nostru: CIORNEI Dan Constantin, CREȚAN Alexandru, GRĂJDEANU Constantin, VARVARA Maria, TARNOVSCHI Alexandra-Karina, BRÎNAȘ Liviu Florin, CALAI Patricia Carmen, DERLEAN Petru Alexandru, SIMION Boris, JOLDOȘ Andrada Iulia, POP Paula Crina, SOPONOȘ Cristina, SZILAGHY Robert-Tiberiu, ALCOR Mona, COTOI Petruța Maria, FARCAȘ Carmen Mihaela, NEACȘU Mirel-Emanuel, PASCU Diana, MAIOR Sandra, IVĂNUȘ Camelia-Laura, VOROTIC Lavinia, BONDAR Elena Teodora, CRISTEA Emilia, CRISTEA Ștefan-Georgian, DĂNILĂ Sanda Cristina, FILIP Tudor-Petruț, POP Florina Maria, POPA Mihai, RĂCHITĂ Ioana Ruxandra, POPA Maria Denisa, TOMA Andreea, APOSTU Roxana, ARON Denisa, CIOCOIU Georgiana-Mihaela, GAVRIL Ducu, JERE Amalia, ȘINCARI Florin, BUCUR Ioana, BÂRSAN Dan Andrei, DOFIN Cătălin Liviu, HURDUCACIU Mădălin, URSUȚ Cristian, VERDE Andreea, BELCHIȚĂ Mihai Alexandru, MOROȘAN Maria-Magdalena, Lazăr Mihaela, Mădălina Elena Cazan, Pasea Irina, Ungureanu Alina Nicoleta, Teodoru Raluca, Ivan Lavinia Constantina, Gruia Streinu, Roxana Beatrice Teslovan,  Oltean Sorana Zamfira, Caraus Nicolae, Jarca Cristian Paul, Stoicescu Andreea, Ostahie Oana Maria, Cîmpean Laura Monica,  Doroftei Georgiana, Pintea Razvan Mihaita,  Bratu Adriana Marinela, Pop Andrei, Chichinejdi Paul Sebastian, Lapadat Adina Stefania, Nicoara Alexandra Ioana, Sinziana Benec, Cercega Lidia Claudia, Varvara Maria Auditor, Guz Jean Robert, Tremură Mirel Cristian, Geambasu Daria Alexandra, Calai Patricia Carmen, Bacoiu Diana Mădălina, Voiculescu Corina Alexandra, Boteanu Teona Gabriela, Necula Mihai

The undersigned, prosecutors within the Public Ministry, observing the principle of the separation of powers in the state and the general requirement to abstain from having any particular political stance, taking note of the public discussions on the duties and activity of the prosecutors as well as the issues inserted in the minutes of the Romanian Constitutional Court’s decision dated May 30, 2018,

In view of the Bangalore Principles that allow magistrates to freely express their opinions when their independence is affected or when there is a risk of prejudicing the separation and balance of powers in the state,

Taking into account the standards imposed by the United Nations Principles on the role of the Prosecutor, adopted in Havana in 1990, the Council of Europe Recommendation (2000) 19 on the role of the prosecutor in the criminal justice system, Professional Accountability Standards and the Declaration on the Obligations and Rights of Public Prosecutors adopted by the International Association of Prosecutors on 23 April 1999, the Venice Commission’s Report on European Standards for the Independence of the Judiciary (CDL_AD (2010) 040) adopted on 17-18 December 2010, Opinion no. 9 (2014) of the Consultative Council of European Prosecutors (Rome Charter)

Considering that the Romanian State understands to fulfil its international obligations regarding the independence of the judiciary and the protection of the rule of law and to observe the rules imposed by the European Union and the Council of Europe as well as by the other international organizations of which Romania is part of,

we understand to commit at individual level to the declaration of principles below:

Our activity will always take place in accordance with the constitutional role provided by art. 131 par. (1) of the Romanian Constitution, defending the general interests of society, the rule of law as well as the rights and freedoms of citizens. We respect the competences of the Minister of Justice regarding the state’s criminal policy as well as the specific attributions in certain areas, but these competences do not validate in any way the involvement of the political factor in the ways of investigating and solving criminal cases. The Minister of Justice has no and will not have any involvement or role in our professional activity or in any criminal or civil case that we have for resolution or where we participate as representatives of the Public Ministry.

The only institution that manages the career of the prosecutor and the only guarantor of the independence of prosecutors is the Superior Council of Magistracy and according to art. 1 par. (2) of Law 304/2004the Minister of Justice has and can have no role or involvement in the individual career of the prosecutor, and this principle cannot be modified by inserting a specific phrase in the Constitutional Court’s decision, an institution which has no competence to legislate positively. We draw attention to the fact that the professional evaluation of prosecutors and the way in which they are to take office must be based on a meritocratic system, on clear and transparent conditions and rules and a lack of arbitrariness.

We urge all competent institutions and all decision-makers to respect the principles of the functioning of the European Union, to facilitate the fulfilment of Romania’s international obligations and take into account that respect for the rule of law and the independence of the judiciary is an important point in the field of international cooperation and the capacity of Romania to be a partner of dialogue in relation to the other Member States, both with regards to cooperation in criminal matters and cooperation in civil matters.

In support of this statement of principle we note that guaranteeing the independence of the judiciary was one of the conditions required for membership of the European Union, a context in which the changes to the package of laws on the judiciary were adopted, specifically guaranteeing the independence and stability of the prosecutor, by amending the provisions of art. 3 par. (1) of Law 303/2004 („The prosecutors appointed by the President of Romania enjoy stability and are independent, according to the law”). Romania’s obligation regarding the rule of law and guaranteeing the independence of the judiciary continued after the moment of accession, being one of the criteria considered in the CVM evaluations, so we cannot consider that an approach that diminishes the statute of the prosecutor magistrate could be anything other than an infringement of the commitments assumed as a Member State.

We also draw attention to the fact that the Havana Rules on the role of the Prosecutor, adopted by the United Nations in 1990, require States to ensure that prosecutors can exercise their functions without being exposed to intimidation, harassment and interference.

As a member of the Council of Europe, the Romanian state must consider and respect international notices, and in this respect the Charter of Rome lays down as European standards and principles regarding the activity of prosecutors the following: „Independence and autonomy of the Public Ministry is a indispensable corollary to the independence of the judiciary. Prosecutors should be autonomous in decision-making and should carry out their tasks outside any external interference and pressure, according to the principles of separation of powers and responsibility „

The independence of the prosecutor and the prosecutor’s impartiality are two essential elements in international standards, being regarded as key human rights issues, both from an institutional as well as an individual point of view. The independence and impartiality of the prosecutor magistrate are not his personal benefits but the guarantees necessary for the fulfilment of the function of the Public Ministry in the structure of a law-based state or the authority responsible for the enforcement of the criminal law on behalf of and for the benefit of society and the public interest, taking into account both the rights of the individual and the necessary effectiveness of the criminal justice system. (Council of Europe Recommendation (2000) 19, paragraph 1)

Both the Council of Europe Recommendation and the Venice Commission Report underline the need to ensure transparent and fair procedures with no political influence in terms of admission to the profession, promotion system and prosecutor’s work. Thus, the procedures guaranteeing a correct selection of prosecutors and those protecting the prosecutor from an arbitrary removal are important issues in guaranteeing the independence of the prosecutor. There is no benefit in creating a system in which the prosecutor is only apparently independent if the practical actions tend to involve the political factor in the judicial activity.

In this respect, the Venice Commission underlined that the prosecutor’s independence is a mechanism to prevent the interference of the political or any other factor in the criminal prosecution activity and states must provide the necessary framework for the prosecutor’s decisions to be taken impartially and just as the judge is required to act fairly and impartially without being subjected to the pressure of other external factors.

The Venice Commission report on judicial independence emphasizes that „A clear distinction needs to be made between the interest of persons holding power in the State and the general interest. The assumption that the two aspects overlap is present in many European countries. Ideally, the exercise of functions of general interest must not be combined or confused with the functions of the executive power at a particular moment in time, the interests of other institutions, or even the interests of any political party.” Considering the legal obligations of the Public Ministry, both at constitutional level and at the level of other legal instruments, we underline that as prosecutors our role is to defend the public interest, understood as the interest of the citizens in a democratic state and we will exercise this role independently and impartially, without regard to temporary circumstance.

List of signatures:

  1. Bradea Dumitru Vlad – Parchetul de pe lângă Judecătoria Oradea
  2. Corina Dinică – PT Argeș
  3. Lăncrănjan Alexandra Carmen – DNA Structura Centrală
  4. Margina Cătălin – PT Bacău
  5. Tagheiv Ramona – PT Bacău
  6. Finică Sorina – PT Bacău
  7. Atomei Adriana – PT Bacău
  8. Trif Marian Mihai – PJ Turda
  9. Iulia Crișan – DNA Structura Centrală
  10. Simona Anghel – PJ Oltenita
  11. Mihaela Beldie – DNA Structura Centrală
  12. Răzvan Alexandru Băra – PJ Brașov
  13. Cristina Scarlat DNA
  14. Aurelian Ioan Ardelean – DNA
  15. Radu Florin Ionescu – DNA
  16. Cosmin Iordache – DNA
  17. Adriana Pau – PJ Sector 2
  18. Codreanu Alexandru – PT Brașov
  19. Raluca Alexandra Munteanu – PJ Sector 2
  20. Berende Ruxandra Maria PJ Satu Mare
  21. Roxana Andreea Codreanu PJ IAsi
  22. Laurentiu Grecu – PT Gorj
  23. Lia Sorin Marian – PJ Corabia
  24. Carmen VAmesu – DNA
  25. Daniela Lupu – DNA
  26. Alexandru Liviu Colceriu – PJ Intorsura Buzaului
  27. Cosmina Mihaela Vieriu – PJ Zarnesti
  28. Calin Radu Bogdan – PJ Sector 1
  29. Coralia Lapadat – PJ Arad
  30. Dordea Marcian Silviu – PJ Blaj
  31. Luminita Boca – DNA ST Cluj
  32. Bogdan Pîrlog – PT Militar Bucuresti
  33. Andra Dutescu – PJ Sector 2
  34. Stroescu Bobby Sorin – PJ Timisoara
  35. Curici Seia Iasmina- PJ Deta
  36. Ghita Alina Andreea – PJ Turda
  37. Laura Dobrea – PT Brăila
  38. Ciutac Mircea – PT Brăila
  39. Dedulescu Liviu Ionuț – PT Brăila
  40. Velea Gheorghe – PJ Brăila
  41. Marinescu Mihaela – PJ Însurăței
  42. Pungă Tudorel – PJ Însurăței
  43. Baraș Iulian – PJ Bolintin Vale
  44. Barbu Camelia Liliana – PJ Bolintin Vale
  45. Tomescu Alexandra Sorina – PJ Bolintin Vale
  46. Cotovelea Ionel – PJ Câmpulung
  47. Gheorghe Daniel – PJ Câmpulung
  48. Lobodan Remus – PJ Câmpulung
  49. Visovan Cristina Ingrid – PJ Sighetu Marmatiei
  50. Adrian Meda Titu- DNA ST Cluj
  51. Irimia Anca Emilia – PJ Sibiu
  52. Cristina Frîncu – PJS 2
  53. Ioana Vernea PJS2
  54. Sohorca Florin PJ Alba Iulia
  55. Rotundu Simon PJ Iasi
  56. Cîrciumaru Oprică Florin PJS 2
  57. Doina Stanta – PCA Craiova
  58. Bunduc Marian Catalin – DIICOT Structura Centrală
  59. Arpinte Nicoleta – PJ Dorohoi
  60. Stanciu Gabriela – DNA ST Constanta
  61. Valentin Toduta – PJ oradea
  62. Bursuc Andreea Claudia – DIICOT
  63. Anca Iovan DIICOT Serviciul Teritorial Brasov
  64. Lohan Iulia Maria – PJ Sighetul Marmatiei
  65. Cristina Radu – PT Bucuresti
  66. Sendroni Mircea – PJ Cluj Napoca
  67. Marian Clement Virgil – PJ Baia Mare
  68. Asmarandei Andrei Iulian – PT Ilfov
  69. Carnariu Bianca Dana – PJ Baia Mare
  70. Gabriel Tatar – PJ Cluj Napoca
  71. Tabirta Lorin PJ Timisoara
  72. Carnariu Mihai Madalin – PJ Baia Mare
  73. Buzoianu Mihaela Alexandra – PJ Calarasi
  74. Valentin Uritescu – PJ Negresti Oas
  75. Cosmin Ungureanu PT Valcea
  76. Vlad Alexandru Bentan – PJ oradea
  77. Marin Ana Maria PT Brasov
  78. Ioana Gutu PT Valcea
  79. Daniel Giorgian PJ galati
  80. Cristina Voicu DNA Structura Centrala
  81. Morosan Andrada Sabina PJ Timisoara
  82. Pop Blaga Marius PJ Oradea
  83. Alba Radu Ioan PJ Oradea
  84. Popescu Adriana Mihaela PT Valcea
  85. Radu Adrian PJ Brasov
  86. Ostafie Andrei PJ Botosani
  87. Laura Zaharia DIICOT Iasi
  88. Ciobanu Ionica Daniel PJ Caracal
  89. Mihaela Mihai Popa – DNA ST Suceava
  90. Marin Călusaru – DNA ST Craiova
  91. Ramona Jardieanu – DNA Structura Centrala
  92. Damaschin Ioana Teodora – PJ Cluj Napoca
  93. Bocai Adina PCA Iasi
  94. Mihai Negulescu DIICOT ST Brasov
  95. Dobre Aurelia Madalina PJ Arad
  96. Panainte Iulian PJ Harlau
  97. Sorin Daniel Beteringhe PT Bihor
  98. Paunica Ionut PJ Calarasi
  99. Gus Octavia Raluca PT Alba
  100. Pacuraru Mihaela PJ Calarasi
  101. Marinescu Lucian PT Valcea
  102. Burga Florin PJ Sf Gheorghe
  103. Matei Leontin PJS 4
  104. Pitrop Cristina Beatrice PJ Constanta
  105. Ioan Bene PJ TG Bujor
  106. Sandu Claudiu Costantin PT Brasov
  107. Mihail Andreca PJ Timisoara
  108. Mihai Valentin DIICOT Structura Centrală
  109. Dobre Mihai Alexandru PJ Arad
  110. Onea Dalidis Nicoleta Irina PCA Craiova
  111. Iulian Nica – PT Brasov
  112. Anghel Alexandru Bogdan PJ Segarcea
  113. Serban Viorel Florin PJS 2
  114. Iulia Bilciu DNA Structura Centrala
  115. Daniel Ciumărnean DNA ST Cluj
  116. Paul Dumitriu DNA Structura Centrală
  117. Danusia Boicean DNA ST Alba Iulia
  118. Alina RAsovan DNA ST Alba Iulia
  119. Daniel Dumitru DNA ST Alba Iulia
  120. Călin Tatu DNA ST Alba Iulia
  121. Florin Nanu DNA ST Alba Iulia
  122. Anca Gabriela Mărincean DNA ST Cluj
  123. Horatius Baias DNA Structura Centrală
  124. Stancele Diana DNA Structura Centrala
  125. Constantin Irina DNA Structura Centrala
  126. Daniel Apetroaei – DNA St Bacău
  127. Anemaria Ruxandra Cireap – DNA
  128. Oana Peltechi – PCA Bucuresti
  129. Roca Carmil DNA ST Bacău
  130. Robert Adrian Nicolicescu DNA
  131. Daniela Dumitrache – DNA
  132. Violeta Sechely – DNA Structura Centrală
  133. Florin Bogdan Munteanu DNA ST Iasi
  134. Iordache Laura Nicoleta PJS 1
  135. Lucanu Iuliana DIICOT
  136. Tudor Antoniu Vasiu – PJ Drobeta Turnu Severin
  137. Adi Lucian Răduică PJ Drobeta Turnu Severin
  138. Pena Laura Nadia PCA Bacau
  139. Gheorghe Mihai Andrei PJ Pitesti
  140. Puscas Madalina PJ Alba Iulia
  141. Zlate Nadia DNA ST Constanta
  142. David Maricel – PT Ilfov
  143. Povăliceanu Cristina – PT Arad
  144. Roman Nelu – PJ Baia Mare
  145. Bradin Aurora PJ Arad
  146. Monica Munteanu DNA ST Brasov
  147. Vestemeanu Raluca DIICOT ST Brasov
  148. Cornel David Deca DNA ST Brasov
  149. Andreea Ghenu DNA ST Brasov
  150. Dundev Alma Maria PJ Sighisoara
  151. Batrinu Iuliana PJ Focsani
  152. Brindea Dan Eugen PT Salaj
  153. Cepoi Marian PJ Nasaud
  154. Dunca Ioan PJ Baia Mare
  155. Varga Zoltan PJ Baia Mare
  156. Scutea Gabriela PCA Brasov
  157. Ghita Bogdan – DNA
  158. Bontea Cristina Augustina PJ Petrosani
  159. Baldea Diana PT IAsi
  160. Satmarici Iulia Diana PJ Medgidia
  161. Mircea Alexandra Nora PJ Turda
  162. Radu Florea PJ Turda
  163. Ghidiu Liliana Maria PT Alba
  164. Panciuc Anca Clara – PJ Radauti
  165. Remus Budai – DNA Structura Centrala
  166. Ion Izabela Ana Maria PJ Sector 3
  167. Stefanita Gogea DIICOT
  168. Cristina Chiriac DNA
  169. Cosarca Nicolae PJ Targu Mures
  170. Diremia Vlad PJ Rosiori De vede
  171. Buda Dorel PJ Baia Mare
  172. Alice Jemboiu PCA Craiova
  173. Maria Piturcă PCA Craiova
  174. Marius Sulu PT Brasov
  175. Grigore alina Gabriela PJ Targoviste
  176. Mihai Irina PJ Targoviste
  177. Bosânciuc Paul Cosmin PJ Targoviste
  178. Stoica Florin PJ Targoviste
  179. Aldea Adrian PT Brasov
  180. Cerasela Ungureanu PT Brasov
  181. Câțu Lilisor PJ Brasov
  182. Câțu Codruța Romana Maria PJ Brasov
  183. Nita Manole Simona Daniela PJ Ploiesti
  184. Dragu Corina PT Brasov
  185. Fânariu Stefan PJ Saveni
  186. Nistor Gigi PJ Filiasi
  187. Cristina Mocioi PJ Babadag
  188. Ursa Paul Ionel PJ Zarnesti
  189. Comanescu Cătălin PJ Horezu
  190. Ana Muresan PJS 2 delegat PTB
  191. Nită Manole Simona Daniela PJ Ploiesti
  192. Corina Avornicitei PJ Sector 1
  193. Raluca Anghel Gheorghe DNA Structura Centrală
  194. Alin Eduard Poterasu DNA Structura Centrala
  195. Veronica Luminita Leonte DNA ST Suceava
  196. Maria Luiza Capatana DNA Structura Centrală
  197. Mosteanu Marian Eugen DNA ST Craiova
  198. Ionuț Vasile DNA ST Cluj
  199. Alexandru Diana DNA ST Galați
  200. Popescu Gabriela DNA ST Galați
  201. Ivascu Dorina DNA ST Galați
  202. Mihaela Leu DNA ST Galați
  203. Năvădaru Mădălin DNA ST Galați
  204. Lucian Rău DNA ST Galați
  205. Diana Alexandru DNA ST Galați
  206. Andreea Oana Nica DNA
  207. Eugen Stănculescu DNA ST Craiova
  208. Tiberiu Nicolae Onea – DNA ST Tîrgu Mureș
  209. Drăgulescu Marian DNA Structura Centrală
  210. Gabriela Iancu DNA ST Cluj
  211. Ioana Borjog PJ Sector 1
  212. Ionela Bălan DNA Structura Centrală
  213. Ana Maria Nedelcu DNA Structura Centrală
  214. Cornelia Hrincescu DNA ST Bacău
  215. Antonia Diaconu – PJ Topoloveni
  216. Nanu Vladimir PT Argeș
  217. Moraru Alina – DNA ST Iasi
  218. Dorcu Lavinia PJ Corabia
  219. Irina Paraschiv PJ Brezoi
  220. Stefan Ispasoiu DNA ST Brasov
  221. Gheorghiu Anca Loredana PJ Brasov
  222. Corina Mois PJ Satu Mare
  223. Miu Madalina PT Calarasi
  224. Marinel Nicolae PT Olt
  225. Couti Roxana PT Maramures
  226. Maris Constantina PT Maramures
  227. Apetri Oana PT Brasov
  228. Couti Crinel PT Maramures
  229. Simion Oana PJ Brasov
  230. Rosca Sergiu PJ Satu Mare
  231. Claudiu Statache PJ Constanta
  232. Stasiuc Mădălina PJ Targu Mures
  233. Alexandra Dordea DNA Structura Centrală
  234. Branzei Alexandru PJ Baia Mare
  235. Baran Florin PJ Sector 4
  236. Rus Lavinia PJ Faget
  237. Mircea Iuliana PCA Constanta
  238. Ioan Sandru PICCJ
  239. Dan Obreja PJ TG Mures
  240. Maria Rimniceanu DIICOT ST BRASOV
  241. Azamfirei Daniela Elena PJ Galati
  242. Cristina Maria Luca PT Neamț
  243. Pelmuș Ciprian PJ Timisoara
  244. Arvinte Ramona PJS3
  245. Olteanu Dragoș PJ Timisoara
  246. Catalin Moraru PJ Brasov
  247. Vlad Crăciun PJ Sighisoara
  248. Pelinel Monica Cristina PT Valcea
  249. Ghinea Alexandru Cosmin PJ Fetesti
  250. Sorin Constantinescu DNA ST Constanta
  251. Apostol Mihaela PT Iasi
  252. Cojoaca Traian PJ Rosiori de Vede
  253. Munge Mircea Florin PJ Oradea
  254. Alina Hubert PJ Pitesti
  255. Topliceanu Constantin PJ Pitesti
  256. Doncea Andrei PT Ilfov
  257. Ungureanu Alin PJ Deta
  258. Ceaușu Alexandru Octavian PJ Timisoara
  259. Blanaru Larisa Andreea PJ Brasov
  260. Mocanu Simona Elena PJ Brasov
  261. Aurelian Manzu PT Arad
  262. Alina Ghinescu DIICOT ST CV
  263. Bochis Angela PJ Cornetu
  264. Dumitrache Nicusor Adrian PJS 4
  265. Olca Diana Andreea PJ Satu Mare
  266. Sovarschi Laura PJ Alesd
  267. Lazar Ancuta PJ Satu Mare
  268. Meszaros Ioana Adina PJ Satu mare
  269. Betea Florin Dorin PJ Satu Mare
  270. Mic Ioana PT satu Mare
  271. Bocai Tudor Florin PT Hunedoara
  272. Cuciureanu Iulia Maria PJ Brasov
  273. Iordache Valeriu PJ Ploiesti
  274. Airinei Lucia PT Harghita
  275. Iosifescu Iulian Răzvan PT Harghita
  276. Colceriu Sorin Mihai PT Harghita
  277. Gîlcescu Dan PT Harghita
  278. Grigore Cristian PT Harghita
  279. Fabian Orsolya Kinga PT Harghita
  280. Tokos Lehel PT Harghita
  281. Deac Corvin Doru PJ Miercurea Ciuc
  282. German Cristina PJ Miercurea Ciuc
  283. Chiriac Dragos PJ Miercurea Ciuc
  284. Ivănescu Georgică PJ Odorheiu Secuiesc
  285. Suto Agota Kinga PJ Odorheiu Secuiesc
  286. Papuc Mădălina Diana PJ Odorheiu Secuiesc
  287. Vasile Tudor Iulian PJ Fetesti
  288. Buculea Raluca PJ Timisoara
  289. Popa Alina Diana PJ Iasi
  290. Marcu Ionut DIICOT
  291. Cristina Gavriliuc DNA ST Bacau
  292. Giluela Deaconu DNA
  293. Ioan Ulici DNA
  294. Cerasela Răileanu DNA
  295. Angelica Paraschivescu DNA ST Pitesti
  296. Dana Păun PJS1
  297. Florina Nicoleta Sirbu PJS1
  298. Maria Mihut PJS 2
  299. Corina Petrescu PJS 1
  300. Florea Alexandru DIICOT
  301. Preda Andrei Bogdan DIICOT
  302. Dan Cristian Ene DIICOT
  303. Cristian Florea DIICOT
  304. Ionela Florea DIICOT
  305. Apostol Giorgiana Violeta PJ Constanta
  306. Nita Cosmin PJ Ploiesti
  307. Ciotu Roxana PJ Suceava
  308. Pirvu Ana Maria PJ Slobozia
  309. Totora Vlad Cosmin PJ Segarcea
  310. Cioban Vasile Călin PJ Turda
  311. Valentin Enache PJ Brezoi
  312. Simona Stefania Constantinescu DNA
  313. Iuliana Mihoc PJ Ploiesti
  314. Neculaica Elena PT Constanta
  315. Oprea Veronica Nicoleta PJ Buzău delegat DNA ST Ploiesti
  316. Salaru Ilie Andrei PJS1
  317. Colț Mihail PJ Brăila
  318. Ionela Tinca PJ Brașov
  319. Buse Ionel PJ Valcea
  320. Tosu Zoltan Eugen PJ Dragasani
  321. Florentina Mirica DNA Structura Centrală
  322. Streza Laurentiu PJ Valcea
  323. Sava Alexandra Teona PJ Harlau
  324. Serban irina PJ Slatina
  325. Stefan Gheorghe Daniel PT Bacau
  326. Bogdan Stoica PJ Dragasani
  327. Marius Valcu DNA Structura Centrală
  328. Lazar Anca PCA Cluj
  329. Popescu Cristian Ovidiu PJ Caracal
  330. Gheorghe Popovici DNA Structura Centrală
  331. Ungureanu Irina PJ Sighisoara
  332. Ursu Oana Alina PJ Giurgiu
  333. Rosiu Mihaela PJS 5
  334. Zavera Irina PJ Timisoara
  335. Sas Anca Raluca PJ Turda
  336. Lungu Ramona PT Arad
  337. Lazăr Aida PJ Timisoara
  338. Rusu Larisa PJ Botosani
  339. Raluca Nor Bosnea PJ Timisoara
  340. Cîmpean Ioana Elena PJS 2
  341. Povaliceanu Claudia PJ Timisoara
  342. Bradean Raluca Cristina PJ Caransebes
  343. Ailioaei Ramona PJ Pascani
  344. Stoenescu Roxana PJS 4
  345. Cătălin Galcea PJS4
  346. Hogas Marius PJ Râmnicu Vâlcea
  347. Stroe Cristina PJ Dragasani
  348. Mociran Adela PT Maramures
  349. Tătar Emanuela Anca PJ Brăila
  350. Sfîca Aglaia Irina PJ Iasi
  351. Fraiu Flaviu PJ Timișoara
  352. Galatan Anișoara Voichita PJS 6
  353. Simon Dragos PJ Cluj Napoca
  354. Todea LAurentiu Mirel PJ Timisoara
  355. Derius Laura DNA Structura Centrala
  356. Pop Ciprian Dumitru PJ Ludus
  357. Murariu Ovidiu Daniel PJ Ludus
  358. Ciuche Lucian DIICOT
  359. Dinică Mihai PJ Făurei
  360. Topală Teodor Bogdan DIICOT
  361. Meszar Alexandru Voicu PJ Carei
  362. Pricop Elena Mădălina PJ Iași
  363. Țapliuc Cristina PJ Iasi
  364. Corogeanu Cristian Andrei PJ Timisoara
  365. Albulescu Camelia PJ Cornetu
  366. Ioșca Alina PJ Cornetu
  367. Serban Daniel Mihai PJ Brașov
  368. Gordan Sorin PT Brăila
  369. Chivu Claudia Irina PJ Timisoara
  370. Olariu Nicusor PJ Caransebes
  371. Mustață Liviu PT Caraș Severin
  372. Hosu Andrei PT Caraș Severin
  373. Patras Alexandra Maria PJ Iași
  374. Pelmus Atena PT Timiș
  375. Mihoc Emanuel PJ Sighișoara
  376. Galatanu Maria PJ Baia Mare
  377. Simion Daniel PJ Focsani
  378. Stanciu Gabriela Daniela PJ Brăila
  379. Corogeanu Cristian Andrei PJ Timișoara
  380. Negrău Andrei Sergiu PJ Salonta
  381. Georgescu Ruxandra Diana PJ Suceava
  382. Călinescu Diana PJ Suceava
  383. Cătălin Chiochiu PJ Suceava
  384. Doina Popa PJ Pitești
  385. Nicolae Argeșanu PJ Pitești
  386. Simona Florescu PJ Pitești
  387. Cătălin Barbuceanu PCA Pitești
  388. Oprea Mihai Tatiana DIICOT
  389. Olaru Mihaiela DIICOT
  390. Cristian Ichim DIICOT ST Brasov
  391. Zaharia Adrian Constantin PJ Suceava
  392. Cristina Garda PJ Galați
  393. Scorta Robert PJ Petrosani
  394. Popescu Cristian PJ Caracal
  395. Bonda Alexandru Vasile PJ Timisoara
  396. Andrei Florin Ciprian DIICOT Bacău
  397. Ciocan Gheorghe PJ Severin
  398. Marin Călușaru DNA ST Craiova
  399. Varga Sanda Daria PCA Cluj
  400. Diana Nicoleta Gitan PT Timiș
  401. Constantin Conortos DNA ST Constanta
  402. Diac Ana Maria PJS1
  403. Crăciun Achim Ovidiu PJ Brăila
  404. Luminița Popa DNA
  405. Emanuel Hau PJ Timișoara
  406. Daniela Chiazna PJ Drobeta Turnu Severin
  407. Florina Băilescu PJ Drobeta Turnu Severin
  408. Bărbulescu Florin Alexandru PJ Călărași
  409. Natavala Iuliu DNA
  410. Vlad Grigorescu DNA
  411. Tiba Morar Anca PJ Oradea
  412. Ion Teodor Valentin PJ Pitești
  413. Adrian Mihai PJ Pitești
  414. Cosmin Cristescu PJ Pitești
  415. Puiulescu Constantin Cosmin PT Argeș
  416. Ioan Paul Chiș DNA Structura Centrală
  417. Paul Leontică DIICOT ST Suceava
  418. Florentin Riza PT Dolj
  419. Tamara Manea PICCJ
  420. Adrian Ghirdoveanu DIICOT BT Dambovita
  421. Resmeriță Clement Mihai – DNA Structura Centrală
  422. Conortos Camelia Maria PT Constanta
  423. Constantinescu Mihai Marius DIICOT
  424. Ardelean Cristian DNA ST Oradea
  425. Chiazna Magdalena Daniela PJ Drobeta Turnu Severin
  426. Moacă Mihaela Adriana PJ Buftea
  427. Ionuț Călina DIICOT
  428. Ionascu Cristina PJ Bacău
  429. Ionascu Cătălin PJ Bacău
  430. Benchea Vlad PJ Sibiu
  431. Mandache Ionut PJ Iași
  432. Fleckhammer Robert DIICOT
  433. Petrescu Erită Cosmin PJ Tg Jiu
  434. Onofrei Nichiforel Marius PT Botoșani
  435. Cristea Virgil – PJ Alba Iulia
  436. Cristea Denisa PJ Constanta
  437. Șimon Oana PJ Cluj Napoca
  438. Horșia Alexandru PJ Cluj Napoca
  439. Panțiru Florin PJ Cluj Napoca
  440. Spumă Oana Amalia PJ Cluj Napoca
  441. Mărginean Peczi Anamaria PJ Cluj Napoca
  442. Fadei Pavel PJ Cluj Napoca
  443. Nicoară Andra Laura PJ Cluj Napoca
  444. Ududec Ionel PJ Cluj Napoca
  445. Pantea Marius Călin PJ Cluj Napoca
  446. Tofan Florinela PJ Cluj Napoca
  447. Horge Diana Maria PJ Cluj Napoca
  448. Gheorghe Dragoș Ion PJ Cluj Napoca
  449. Mihai Laura Adina PJ Cluj Napoca
  450. Amuscăliței Alin PJ Cluj Napoca
  451. Mane Loredana Lăcrămioara PJ Cluj Napoca
  452. Birtoc Mihai Dorin PJ Cluj Napoca
  453. Delea Sarca Georgiana PJ Cluj Napoca
  454. Toader Aurelia Mirel PJ Cluj Napoca
  455. Ududec Anca Teodora PJ Cluj Napoca
  456. Kozma Bartok Szende Zenko PJ Cluj Napoca
  457. Borteș Mihai PJ Cluj Napoca
  458. Damaschin Ioana Teodora PJ Cluj Napoca
  459. Andreica Lucia Maria PJ Cluj Napoca
  460. Sfâriac Mihaela PT Cluj
  461. Renyi Erika PT Cluj
  462. Rășcanu Cristina PT Cluj
  463. Mihai Mesaros PJS 2
  464. Dinu Adrian Mihai PJ Constanta
  465. Laurentiu Iordan PJ Sibiu
  466. Cazacu Dan Constantin PJ Bacău
  467. Felicia Irina Popovici DNA
  468. Felicia Vlad DNA ST Brasov
  469. Adina Bidică PT Valcea
  470. Alexandra Maria Zernoveanu PJ Sfantu Gheorghe
  471. Cășuneanu Florin Daniel – PCA Iași
  472. Cojocar Rusanda PJ Brasov
  473. Gherghina Alina Nicoleta PJS 6
  474. Paduraru Raluca Mihaela PJS4
  475. Dinu Cristian Sorin DIICOT BT Sibiu
  476. Enache Simona DIICOT BT Sibiu
  477. Sava Gheorghe Petru DIICOT BT Sibiu
  478. Bidihon Flavius PJ Suceava
  479. Meszaros Tiberiu PJ Babadag
  480. Miroiu Floriana PJS 4
  481. Laura Gradina PT Tulcea
  482. Cristina Grosaru PJS 3
  483. Stefaniu Simona PT Covasna
  484. Stefaniu Bogdan PT Covasna
  485. Alina Neculaes PCA Bacău
  486. Andrei Jurca PJ Timisoara
  487. Sorin Pasăre PCA Craiova
  488. Pătulea Ioana – PJS 3
  489. Rosu Cristina PJ Giurgiu
  490. Mihaela Grigore PCA Bacau
  491. Andrei Dragan PJ Buftea
  492. Andrei Cristi PJ Răcari
  493. Carasel Stefana PJS 1
  494. Petrusca Gabriela Amalia PJ Buftea
  495. Ghilan Irina Brîndușa PJ Moinești
  496. Sandu Anca – PJ Piatra Neamț
  497. Ciopi Ani – PJ Baia Mare
  498. Matei Andreea Isabella PJ Buhusi
  499. Sarghi Dorina PJ Roman
  500. Maciuc Sorin PJS 6

Mulțumim colegilor judecători care susțin acest demers: Florin Zeres – Judecatoria Sibiu, Florina Carmen Ionescu – Tribunalul Neamt, Doina Zavalasi- CA Craiova, Mihaela Ion – Judecătoria Buzău, Iulian Dîrzeanu – Tribunalul București, Sorina Marinaș -CA Craiova, Florin Vilceanu – Tribunal Bucuresti, Ioana Liliana Molina Ramirez – Tribunalul Cluj, Anca Codreanu – Tribunalul Brașov, Liviu Cristian Cirneciu – Judecătoria Zărnesti, Cirneciu Felicia Tincuta – JS 2, Anca Demian – Judecatoria Hateg, Padeanu Catalina Petruta – Judecatoria Slatina, Sandu Maria Irina – Judecatoria Brasov, Madalina Birlog – Tribunalul Bucuresti, Cobiscan Alexandru – JS 1, Ioan Fundatureanu – CA Pitesti, Crina Capota – Judecatoria Dej,  Balasanu Alexandru –  Judecatoria Botosani, Popescu Adrian – Tribunalul Cluj,  Popescu Luminita Teodora Judecatoria Mangalia, Neagos Sorina – CA Alba Iulia, Mandache Claudia – Judecătoria Iași, Dorin Parascheva – Judecatoria Constanta, Alina Stamate Tamasan – Tribunalul Maramures, Ambrozie Silivia JS 1, Anton Carla JS 1, Chiriță Oana JS 1, Focsa Lavinia JS1, Ivanciuc Sorin JS1, Matei Oana JS 1, Paduraru Dana JS 1, Savu Ana JS 1, Bogdan Popescu JUdecatoria Tg Jiu, Lucian Cosmin Manoloiu – Judecatoria Slatina, Irina Popa JS 1, Gheorghe Costin Lucian Judecătoria Cornetu, Dinu Rebeca Zinca Trib Bucuresti, Brindusa Andreea Sarbu JS 1, Veronica Sirbu JS4, Cristi Danilet – Tribunalul Cluj, Roxana Budulan – CA Timisoara, Bichis Diana Maria – Judecatoria Dej, Carpinean Cristiana Camelia – Judecatoria Dej, Tudor Cristian Ciobanu – Judecatoria Raducaneni, Oana Andreea Onofrei JS 1, Alina Mihaela Palancanu – Tribunalul Neamt, Marius Stancu JS1, Alexandra Ghica JS1, Ana Maria Stoica – JS1, Edwina Guiu – JS1, Andreea Balutoiu JS1, Cristina Călușaru – Tribunalul Dolj, Mandache Claudia – Judecatoria Iasi, Andreea Busulescu – JS1, Andreea Mihaela Bradu – Tribunalul București, Iulia Lavinia Munteanu – Judecătoria IAși

De asemenea, apreciem gestul de solidaritate al colegilor auditori de justitie care au dorit să se alăture demersului nostru: CIORNEI Dan Constantin, CREȚAN Alexandru, GRĂJDEANU Constantin, VARVARA Maria, TARNOVSCHI Alexandra-Karina, BRÎNAȘ Liviu Florin, CALAI Patricia Carmen, DERLEAN Petru Alexandru, SIMION Boris, JOLDOȘ Andrada Iulia, POP Paula Crina, SOPONOȘ Cristina, SZILAGHY Robert-Tiberiu, ALCOR Mona, COTOI Petruța Maria, FARCAȘ Carmen Mihaela, NEACȘU Mirel-Emanuel, PASCU Diana, MAIOR Sandra, IVĂNUȘ Camelia-Laura, VOROTIC Lavinia, BONDAR Elena Teodora, CRISTEA Emilia, CRISTEA Ștefan-Georgian, DĂNILĂ Sanda Cristina, FILIP Tudor-Petruț, POP Florina Maria, POPA Mihai, RĂCHITĂ Ioana Ruxandra, POPA Maria Denisa, TOMA Andreea, APOSTU Roxana, ARON Denisa, CIOCOIU Georgiana-Mihaela, GAVRIL Ducu, JERE Amalia, ȘINCARI Florin, BUCUR Ioana, BÂRSAN Dan Andrei, DOFIN Cătălin Liviu, HURDUCACIU Mădălin, URSUȚ Cristian, VERDE Andreea, BELCHIȚĂ Mihai Alexandru, MOROȘAN Maria-Magdalena, Lazăr Mihaela, Mădălina Elena Cazan, Pasea Irina, Ungureanu Alina Nicoleta, Teodoru Raluca, Ivan Lavinia Constantina, Gruia Streinu, Roxana Beatrice Teslovan,  Oltean Sorana Zamfira, Caraus Nicolae, Jarca Cristian Paul, Stoicescu Andreea, Ostahie Oana Maria, Cîmpean Laura Monica,  Doroftei Georgiana, Pintea Razvan Mihaita,  Bratu Adriana Marinela, Pop Andrei, Chichinejdi Paul Sebastian, Lapadat Adina Stefania, Nicoara Alexandra Ioana, Sinziana Benec, Cercega Lidia Claudia, Varvara Maria Auditor, Guz Jean Robert, Tremură Mirel Cristian, Geambasu Daria Alexandra, Calai Patricia Carmen, Bacoiu Diana Mădălina, Voiculescu Corina Alexandra, Boteanu Teona Gabriela, Necula Mihai


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