Tag: Revista

Perspective asupra Consiliilor magistraturii

PERSPECTIVE ASUPRA CONSILIILOR MAGISTRATURII   Lord Justice Thomas,  Preşedinte al Reţelei Europene a Consiliilor Magistraturii   Each of the topics I have addressed would form a talk in itself and benefit from a much more detailed analysis. Time does not permit. However, in my view, when an analysis of the tasks which must be performed to maintain the independence of the judicial branch of the state is carried out, I think the inevitable conclusion is that a Council for… citeste

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The Evolution of the Judicial System in Romania

THE EVOLUTION OF THE JUDICIAL SYSTEM IN ROMANIA DURING THE PAST 60 YEARS       Horaţius Dumbravă,                                          Dragoş Călin,      Judge, Court of Appeal Mures                      Judge, Court of Appeal Bucharest   The reform of the judicial system is very difficult taking into account the judges from the communist period are mentained, whose vision of the rule of law is… citeste

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Independence of Magistrates as a Guarantee to Reduce Political Corruption.Specific Case of Prosecutors in Romania

INDEPENDENCE OF MAGISTRATES AS A GUARANTEE TO REDUCE POLITICAL CORRUPTION. SPECIFIC CASE OF PROSECUTORS IN ROMANIA Marius Bulancea, Prosecutor, Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice     Successfully prosecuting high profile cases of political corruption is an exceptional challenge for any law enforcement agency. The fundamental democratic principle according to which everyone is equal under the law does not always work when the suspects are prominent… citeste

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Nivelul şi evoluţia corupţiei din România reflectate în rapoarte oficiale şi independente

Gabi Caian

NIVELUL ŞI EVOLUŢIA CORUPŢIEI DIN ROMÂNIA REFLECTATE ÎN RAPOARTE OFICIALE ŞI INDEPENDENTE judecător Gabriel Caian, Judecătoria Craiova   In the context of freedom of market and politics and in the circumstances of free choice of travel, movement of financial resources and exchange of information between different areas, the opportunities to gain power and wealth, including the illegal ways, have increased. Corruption hardens and alters the economic development,… citeste

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Discriminarea generată de jurisprudenţa Î.C.C.J. în materia gradului profesional al procurorilor D.N.A. şi D.I.I.C.O.T.

DISCRIMINAREA GENERATĂ DE JURISPRUDENŢA Î.C.C.J. ÎN MATERIA GRADULUI PROFESIONAL AL PROCURORILOR DIRECŢIEI NAŢIONALE ANTICORUPŢIE ŞI DIRECŢIEI DE INVESTIGARE A INFRACŢIUNILOR DE CRIMINALITATE ORGANIZATĂ ŞI TERORISM Studiu realizat în anul 2009        judecător Dragoş Călin,                               judecător Sergiu-Leon Rus,         Curtea de Apel Bucureşti                           … citeste

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Practica neunitară în interpretarea dispoziţiilor legale privind remunerarea magistraţilor stagiari

PRACTICA NEUNITARĂ ÎN INTERPRETAREA DISPOZIŢIILOR LEGALE PRIVIND REMUNERAREA MAGISTRAŢILOR STAGIARI          judecător Roxana Maria Lăcătuşu,                    judecător Ionuţ Militaru,         Judecătoria Sectorului 4 Bucureşti                  Judecătoria Sectorului 6 Bucureşti   The purpose of the Legislator, according to the principle of nondiscrimination, was that of taking into account the seniority as… citeste

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Detaşarea judecătorilor şi procurorilor la alte autorităţi publice decât instanţele sau la instituţii publice

DETAŞAREA JUDECĂTORILOR ŞI PROCURORILOR LA ALTE AUTORITĂŢI PUBLICE DECÂT INSTANŢELE SAU LA INSTITUŢII PUBLICE    judecător Horaţius Dumbravă,                                              judecător Dragoş Călin, Curtea de Apel Târgu Mureş                                                 Curtea de Apel Bucureşti   The secondments of the judges and of the prosecutors to… citeste

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Discriminări determinate de diferenţe de rasă şi origine etnică

DISCRIMINĂRI DETERMINATE DE DIFERENŢE DE  RASĂ ŞI  ORIGINE ETNICĂ  judecător Laura Curcio, Curtea de Apel pentru litigii de muncă Milano, Italia     Nationality is not included as possible factor of discrimination nor by the n. 43/2000 Directive Union either by the Italian decree law n. 268/1998.This exclusion seems debatable , above all because article 12 of CE Treaty prohibits discrimination on ground of nationality , with the only limits of measures connected… citeste

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Remunerarea magistraţilor – condiţie a independenţei justiţiei


REMUNERAREA MAGISTRAŢILOR – CONDIŢIE A INDEPENDENŢEI JUSTIŢIEI   judecător Paula-Andrada Coţovanu,                         judecător Cristi Danileţ,  Curtea de Apel Piteşti                                                 Tribunalul Cluj The delay in adopting a new law on the remuneration of the magistrates aimed at precluding the disparities and inequities caused by the current specific… citeste

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